The Ripple
Pasay City, Metro Manila
Plot Area:
5,326.86 SQM
Floor Area:
31,800 SQM
The design of this residential mixed-use development aims to have a gentle and sensible approach, and a strong connection to its built and natural environment. Interconnected corridors dismiss the presence of dead ends, allowing for good circulation on the residential floor. Office floors are given open layouts with panoramic views. While the ground floor is purposely designed to have a large open area for public engagements. The flow and program of the project is closely related to the curves and form of the building thus, allowing for a seamless design from road level all the way up to the undulating sky garden and amenities desk. The circumferential roof garden allows the users to traverse along all sides of the building, giving them numerous fantastic views of their surroundings. This evokes the natural wonder of an uninhibited lifestyle many people yearn for in a restless city.