Emergency Quarantine Facility (EQF) on Design Creed TV
Design Creed Asia
April 15, 2020

It’s episode 2 of “Design Creed Asia TV” This week we head to Manila, Philippines and speak to William Ti from WTA Architects.
William partnered with the Armed Forces of the Philippines and UAP Manila Metro Chapter to help develop and build emergency quarantine facilities in 65 sites! His story touched us and we just had to interview him about his motivation behind this inspiring project!
“The idea behind the project was to be able to find a vital role for builders to help augment the capacity of our hospitals to flatten the curve of infection. The week of March 20 saw the hospitals here in Metro Manila start refusing patients one by one. On the 24th myself and a doctor friend, Dr. Glenn Angeles started discussing how we could help out. I was reminded of the pavilion we did last February for Anthology Festival and how it could be easily and quickly put up. We reached out to two friends from the military the next day Maj Carmelo Jaluague and Maj Banjo Badayos and quickly came home with a plan of action. We were raising money on the 26th. Delivering materials on the 27th. Started on the 28th. And finished the first facility on the 1st of April.”
Read more here.